accumulated deviation câu
We've got a host making a pretty big deviation from her loop.Chúng ta có một chủ thể đi lạc khá xa ra khỏi vòng lặp. Any deviation and...

accumulated amount
The accumulated amount could be dangerous to susceptible individualsCác chùm tia tích tụ dần có thể gây nguy hiểm với người dễ bị tổn t...

accumulated debt
Both parties said that large government deficits and accumulated debt were "serious problems."Cả hai bên cho rằng, thâm hụt ngân sách l...

accumulated deficit
Accumulated deficit is a sign of financial instability.Thanh khoản không tốt là dấu hiệu của tình trạng bất ổn về tài chính.

accumulated depreciation
Accumulated depreciation: building… credit = $150, under assetsKhấu hao lũy kế: xây dựng... tín dụng = $ 150, theo tài sản Accumulated...

accumulated distance
In addition, the accumulated distance of 652,190 kilometres of all participants will be converted as donations to UNICEF.Ngoài ra, khoả...

accumulated dose
A worker who has been exposed to an accumulated dose of 50 millisieverts within a year must stop working and stay away from the area fo...

accumulated energy
Fat = accumulated energyAccumulated energy: năng lượng tích lũy Fat = accumulated energyAccumulated energy: năng lượng tích lũy The ac...

accumulated error
Accumulated Error No. 41Vô Tội Mưu Sát 41 The RK4 method is a fourth-order method, meaning that the local truncation error is on the o...

accumulated interest
The bank has so far recovered 30.9% of the principal debt in dong and 34.9% of debt in U.S. dollars and accumulated interest.Hiện VDB đ...

accumulated profit
In the first seven months of this year, the accumulated profit at private industrial companies had declined by nearly 28 percent from a...

accumulated profits
In May, Nike’s offshore mountain of accumulated profits was worth more than $12bn.Tháng 5, khối lợi nhuận chất thành núi ở hải ngoại củ...

accumulated stock
It is “the transmission in time of our accumulated stock of knowledge” (Hayek 1960: 27).Đó là "sự chuyển giao vốn kiến thức chúng ta tí...

accumulated surplus
D. accumulated surplus or deficit.a. tài khoản vốn thặng dư hoặc giảm thâm hụt

accumulated value
What Is an Accumulated Value?Accumulated value nghĩa là gì? What Is an Accumulated Value?Accumulated value nghĩa là gì? What Is Accumu...

accumulated wealth
Basically a backup for the accumulated wealth of America.Cơ bản là 1 bản sao lưu về tiềm lực của chúng nước Mỹ. Each individual soul i...

garbage accumulated
When you wake up, the body will divert some of the water from the tissues into the colon, to help flush out the garbage accumulated dur...

absolute deviation
Working with the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)đối bình quân MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation). What is mean absolute deviation (MAD)?đối b...

actual deviation
Ball subgauge: amount, of an established series of amounts, which is the nearest to the actual deviation from the ball gauge of a ball ...

angle of deviation
= angle of deviation = radians = degree x p /180Cách đổi từ độ radian : radian=độ*PI/180 When the misalignment of the eyes is large ...

average deviation
The average deviation was +4.9 seconds – almost exactly what we saw on the wrist.Độ lệch trung bình trên máy Witschi là 4,9 giây, gần n...

carrier deviation
ED Beta also featured a luminance carrier deviation of 2.5 MHz, as opposed to the 1.2 MHz used in SuperBeta, improving contrast with re...

deviation angle
The minimum deviation angle for the secondary bow is about 230°.Góc lệch tối thiểu cho cung thứ cấp là khoảng 230 °. The minimum devia...

frequency deviation
The resulting frequency deviation shall be between ±1,5 kHz and ±3 kHz.Độ lệch tần số phải nằm giữa ± 1,5 kHz và ± 3 kHz. The frequenc...

lateral deviation
Avoid soft and squishy wrist rests because these will contour to your wrist, restrict the freedom of movement of your hands, and encour...